I am an ordinary Mom, Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Friend. I enjoy exercising and doing all I can to feel good every day. My goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the support and encouragement of others. I hope to motivate by taking some time to focus on ourselves and the things that keep us healthy and happy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 26 of Pregnancy

Still feeling pretty good.

Work-outs: 6-7 per week. Last week, while jogging (at 5.0 – slow) I got a major cramp, so I think I am done with that. It took a few minutes to recover, so I think that is my body saying it’s enough. I am sticking with 3 weight workouts (P90X), walking on an incline, and the elliptical, and a little bike. Overall, I feel good.

Complaint: Two days ago my lower back started hurting. I think I have to focus on tightening whatever is left of my ab muscles. I think this is the same issue I had after Chase too, and until I get my abs tighter, it’s going to be some sore back issues. I need to work on more stretching. Maybe some prenatal yoga… but I find it to be so boring.

Food: I feel like I have not been making the best choices all the time, so these are the rules I am going to attempt to stick with.

Sweets: No sweets after 2:00, except for once a week.

Pop: 1 pop a week and no more half caff coffees from Starbucks.

Fried Food: One bad choice a week. (Do I hear Portillo’s French fries?)

Other than that, I am not counting calories, just making sure to make good choices and trying to keep my portions down so I don’t feel so icky.

Can’t even believe there are only 98 days to go!

Thursday, April 1, 2010