I am an ordinary Mom, Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Friend. I enjoy exercising and doing all I can to feel good every day. My goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the support and encouragement of others. I hope to motivate by taking some time to focus on ourselves and the things that keep us healthy and happy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 34 Pictures

34 weeks. My lower back, on the right side has been killing me on and off. I don't know what the deal is. Still walking 3-4 times a week and doing weights (modified) from P90X about 2-3 times a week. I think the exercise helps, but sitting or standing for a long time is a killer.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 34

I am now at 175 pounds. I am up 29 pounds! Awesome. I was actually about 181 when I went in with Reese and Chase, so I have 6 weeks left and 6 pounds left. I am thinking it will be close.

My body is getting sore... from my lower back to my tight belly, but I am continuing to walk and do some weights. It seems to help some.

The 6 weeks I am supposed to take off after the baby is going to be tough. Maybe I can continue some very light exercises if the birth isn't too tough on me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 32 of Pregnancy

I wonder if I will be writing Week 32 Post-Pregnancy and feeling like I look amazing! :) I am sure it will take a long time to get this belly back in shape, but I will work hard one way or another.

Still feeling good at this point.

I am getting in about 6 work outs a week, but mainly I am doing 4 walks at an incline for 45 mins. Usually around 3.5-4.0 speed and 6.0-11.0 incline.

I do two P90X work outs but no push-ups or pull-ups so they are weak.

I am starting to get really winded walking up the stairs.

I kind of look forward to a run!!