I am an ordinary Mom, Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Friend. I enjoy exercising and doing all I can to feel good every day. My goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the support and encouragement of others. I hope to motivate by taking some time to focus on ourselves and the things that keep us healthy and happy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Marathon Week - 26.2 Miles to go!

Christmas is over... the belly button is healing. I can run, but weights are still a little iffy, so this week's challenge for Ryan and I is to RUN! Get that ick of the holiday out.

Jenny - 145.5
Day 1: Mon 12/27 - 3.9 miles in 35 minutes (22.3 miles to go)
Day 2: Tues 12/28 - 4.2 miles in 36 minutes (18.1 miles to go)
Day 3: Wed 12/29 - 3.9 miles in 45 mins (14.2 miles to go)
Day 4: Thurs 12/30 - 2.2 miles in 40 mins (12 miles to go)
Day 5: Fri 12/31 - 4.6 miles in 46 minutes ( 7.4 miles to go)
Day 6: Sat 1/1 - 4.7 miles in 45 minutes (2.7 miles to go)
Day 7: Sun 1/2 -2.7 miles in 23 mins (yippee!)
Notes: Started Lose It on the Ipod.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Treadmill Info

Treadmill Mile Per Hour Setting -
Equivalent Pace Per Mile
5 - 12 minute miles
5.2 - 11:32 minute miles
5.4 - 11:07 minute miles
5.6 - 10:43 minute miles
5.8 - 10:21 minute miles
6 - 10:00 minute miles
6.2 - 9:41 minute miles
6.4 - 9:23 minute miles
6.6 - 9:05 minute miles
6.8 - 8:49 minute miles
7.0 - 8:34 minute miles
7.2 - 8:20 minute miles
7.4 - 8:06 minute miles
7.6 - 7:54 minute miles
7.8 - 7:42 minute miles
8 - 7:30 minute miles
8.2 7:19 minute miles
8.4 - 7:09 minute miles
8.6 - 6:59 minute miles
8.8 - 6:49 minute miles
9 - 6:40 minute miles
9.2 - 6:31 minute miles
9.4 - 6:23 minute miles
9.6 - 6:15 minute miles
9.8 - 6:07 minute miles
10 - 6:00 minute miles

A Strictly Cardio Workout

50 minutes
(move as quick as you can from machine to machine/mat)

Treadmill : (20 mins)
4 mins - 4.0 speed / 4.0 incline
16 mins - 7.4 speed / 0.0 incline (2 miles)

Find a mat : (5 mins)
30 seconds push ups / 30 seconds crunches (repeat 5 times)

Stair Climber : (10 mins)
10 mins: Level 12 - Random (or hills)

Find a mat : (5 mins)
30 seconds push ups / 30 seconds crunches (repeat 5 times)

Treadmill : (10 mins)
6 mins - 7.6 speed / 0.0 incline
4 mins - 3.0 speed / 4.0 incline

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 Weeks PP

I went to the doctor yesterday and got the all clear for working out. I had already started doing something about 2 weeks ago. The workouts are kind of weak, but they are something. I can run which is good. It's a bit slower, but not too bad. Weights and abs are the worst. I hope to start P90X soon (when Blake sleeps through the night)... maybe in a week?? I am hopeful, but I know it's going to be though.

So, at 7 weeks, I weighed what I went in for my first appointment... 148. I have lost 30 pounds. Now to lose a few more and to get this loose body not so loose! The weak muscles make my back hurt!

Friday, August 6, 2010


July 29th - 9 days PP

July 23rd - 2 days PP

39 weeks and 2 days - Before leaving for the hospital.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 34 Pictures

34 weeks. My lower back, on the right side has been killing me on and off. I don't know what the deal is. Still walking 3-4 times a week and doing weights (modified) from P90X about 2-3 times a week. I think the exercise helps, but sitting or standing for a long time is a killer.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 34

I am now at 175 pounds. I am up 29 pounds! Awesome. I was actually about 181 when I went in with Reese and Chase, so I have 6 weeks left and 6 pounds left. I am thinking it will be close.

My body is getting sore... from my lower back to my tight belly, but I am continuing to walk and do some weights. It seems to help some.

The 6 weeks I am supposed to take off after the baby is going to be tough. Maybe I can continue some very light exercises if the birth isn't too tough on me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 32 of Pregnancy

I wonder if I will be writing Week 32 Post-Pregnancy and feeling like I look amazing! :) I am sure it will take a long time to get this belly back in shape, but I will work hard one way or another.

Still feeling good at this point.

I am getting in about 6 work outs a week, but mainly I am doing 4 walks at an incline for 45 mins. Usually around 3.5-4.0 speed and 6.0-11.0 incline.

I do two P90X work outs but no push-ups or pull-ups so they are weak.

I am starting to get really winded walking up the stairs.

I kind of look forward to a run!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 29 of Pregnancy

I am not 29 weeks… It’s not long before I am 30, and I am pumped! I am getting bit and it’s crazy, but I am so excited. I am tired and lazy, but still pushing through.

I have been getting in 6 workouts a week.

Usually it’s

Monday – Weights in the morning, 30 min walk at lunch time

Tuesday – 50 min walk in the morning, 30 min elliptical/bike/walk (nice and slow) at lunch so I can read my book and get up from sitting at my desk.

Wednesday – Weights in the morning

Thursday – 50 min walk in the morning

Friday – KenPo (kick boxing in the morning), 30 min nice and easy cardio at lunch

Saturday/Sunday – Usually one of these days I get in a nice 50 min walk while watching at show!

Overall, it looks like a lot, but I am not pushing much at all. I just do it because it makes me feel better.

As for food, I had been doing great with limiting my sweets, pop, and fried food. This has continued, but I have cheated on the sweets a little bit.

I started counting my calories and I have been eating around 2,000 calories a day. I am hungry, so I eat, but I have been trying to make good choices and keeping it up. It’s going great!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 26 of Pregnancy

Still feeling pretty good.

Work-outs: 6-7 per week. Last week, while jogging (at 5.0 – slow) I got a major cramp, so I think I am done with that. It took a few minutes to recover, so I think that is my body saying it’s enough. I am sticking with 3 weight workouts (P90X), walking on an incline, and the elliptical, and a little bike. Overall, I feel good.

Complaint: Two days ago my lower back started hurting. I think I have to focus on tightening whatever is left of my ab muscles. I think this is the same issue I had after Chase too, and until I get my abs tighter, it’s going to be some sore back issues. I need to work on more stretching. Maybe some prenatal yoga… but I find it to be so boring.

Food: I feel like I have not been making the best choices all the time, so these are the rules I am going to attempt to stick with.

Sweets: No sweets after 2:00, except for once a week.

Pop: 1 pop a week and no more half caff coffees from Starbucks.

Fried Food: One bad choice a week. (Do I hear Portillo’s French fries?)

Other than that, I am not counting calories, just making sure to make good choices and trying to keep my portions down so I don’t feel so icky.

Can’t even believe there are only 98 days to go!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week 23 of Pregnancy #3

I am up 20 pounds! (166) It seems like a lot, but with only 17 weeks to go, I should be able to keep it in the 25-35, "healthy weight gain" range. I am keeping up the exercise, doing about 6 workouts a week. I still feel ok doing a slow jog (4.5-5.5 on the treadmill), but not for an extended amount of time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

22 Weeks Pregnant

I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with baby #3. I am up about 15 pounds, which is the same amount I gained at this point with the previous two pregnancies. I exercise 6-7 days a week doing cardio or weights (P90X workouts).

My goal of this blog is to track the healthy choices I make and the journey that I have to take to get back to "normal" and feel healthy and fit again.

I'll share photos as I do. First getting big... then back to myself again.

For now, I just enjoy myself through my last pregnancy.